As cyberattacks and hacks have increased over time, data privacy laws have been enacted to ensure protection of an individual’s data privacy.
Independent Contractor vs Employee
Employers may face unexpected liability in the event independent contractor and employee designations are reclassified.
What if My Spouse Is Capable of Working, But Refuses to Do So?
What happens in a situation where, post-separation, one spouse refuses to seek employment or claims they are incapable of working?
How Employers Can Protect Themselves Without Non-Compete Agreements
The FTC has proposed a new rule (the “FTC Rule”) that would prohibit non-compete agreements in most employment situations.
U.S. Supreme Court Refuses to Broaden Scope of Attorney-Client Privilege
The United States Supreme Court threw out a case in which the petitioner sought to expand the scope of the attorney-client privilege.
Will We Finally Learn Whether COVID-19 Triggers Business Interruption Insurance Coverage?
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals asked the CA Supreme Court if the COVID-19 virus at a property is a direct physical loss or damage.
TALG’s 2023 Arizona Employment Law Update
Arizona employers should be aware of and begin planning for changes in employment laws that may impact their businesses in 2023.
Things Keep Getting Worse for Crypto as California Seeks to Revoke BlockFi’s Financing License
The DFPI has determined that BlockFi violated California financing laws and regulations. BlockFi is now facing the revocation of its license.
Onboarding New Employees, New Handbook Policies, and Updates to Other Workplace Agreements
Nevada’s new laws may impact existing employee policies or handbooks. They should be evaluated for compliance.
Wage and Hour Update for Nevada Employers
As 2022 draws to a close, Nevada employers should be aware of these recent developments to Nevada wage and hour laws in their preparation for 2023.