TALG regularly updates its clients on legal developments in the employment space. Here are three key recent developments.
The Fed’s Novel Activities Supervision Program to Target Digital Asset Banking & FinTech Firms
The Federal Reserve’s Division of Supervision and Regulation has established a Novel Activities Supervision Program.
New SEC Rules Require Public Companies to Disclose Cybersecurity Incidents
Critical considerations for businesses that seek to protect content created in whole or in part by artificial intelligence.
Personal Jurisdiction in the Internet Age
Can a company selling its products online be hailed into court in every state in which its products are sold? It depends.
California Supreme Court Clarifies State Law on PAGA Claims
The California Supreme Court ruled that “non-individual” employment claims under PAGA can remain in court.
Recent NY Case Sends Ripples Through Crypto World
Crypto has become a topic of discussion over the last decade and is one of the most controversial advancements of our time.
Child Custody in a Divorce
In a divorce with no pre-existing agreement in place the fate of child custody and visitation may be decided by the Court.
The Implications of the FedNow Service
The implications of FedNow are profound – an immediate uniform platform allowing safe and instant peer-to-peer processing.
Navigating Trademark Registration
Trademark registration protects brands, logos, and other distinctive marks. However, not all trademarks are eligible for registration.
Clinical Trial Design Best Practices
Clinical trials are essential for healthcare decisions. Poorly designed trials risk the safety of participants and produce unreliable data.